" Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner spark of possibility into flames of achievement"
- Golda Meir
I received a lovely gift in the mail yesterday...The Fall '12 issue of Altered Couture, in which I have the honor of exhibiting four of my pieces over ten pages. It's exciting to be included within and applauded by a community of other artists who embrace a like passion and goal. Altered Couture gives us a beautiful forum in which to not only share our work, but also share musings about ourselves and our creative process....and hopefully inspire others to fan their own creative spark. Most of my days are spent in relative seclusion, quietly reveling in the sound of a needle and thread being pulled through fabric. I've never been someone who has needed the sound of hands clapping in my honor, or pats on the back to feel fulfilled by my craft. I realize that in order to financially make what I do pay off, I need to do what doesn't come naturally and that is to promote myself....constantly! I struggle with this every day. The past year, the publishers at Stampington have helped me to explore new avenues of self promotion and I am so grateful to them for that. I've made some new friends along the way; readers who were inspired enough by my work to contact me in person....the exchanges I have with these people are really the payoff in the end.
Your ideas to re-do clothing finds are wonderful. Very creative. Love the sweater and vest idea.
Thank you Debbie!
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